St. Peter's, Little Aston, Choir
Choir practice takes place on a Thursday at 7:30pm. A large and enthusiastic choir with an excellent organist and choir mistress in Pam Strong. As well as supporting our services they also put on occasional special events such as St. Luke's Passion. Contact: Pam Strong 01543 433368
St. Peter's, Little Aston, Bell Ringing
The St. Peter's tower has a peal of six bells and an active ringing group although they are always on the lookout for new members, whether or not you have rung before. The group meet for ringing practice on Tuesdays evenings from 8:00pm.
Contact: Sally Duckett 0121 308 6070 or Richard Paxton 0121 353 7495
St. Peter's, Little Aston, Hand Bells
We also have a group of people who play hand bells, performing at various places around the Diocese, and at our annual carol service. The group meet in the Church Room on most Monday evenings to practise.
Contact: Lis Paxton 0121 353 7495
For information on how to get in touch or enquire about any of these groups go to our contacts page.