It is with deep sadness that the PCC of St Peter’s announce that our vicar, Philip Daniel, died
suddenly on 29th December. We are all terribly shocked and our hearts go out to all who knew him, especially to his fiancé, children and grandchildren.
Philip’s funeral wlll be held at St Peter’s Church, Roman Road, Little Aston B74 3AT on Thursday 6th, February at 12.30pm.
The funeral can be viewed on phone, iPad or tablet for up to 6 months.
Space in the church is very limited and priority will be given to Philip’s family, friends and colleagues. The service will be live streamed and we ask that you watch from the comfort of your home so that we can provide space at church for the family. After the service everyone is welcome at Little Aston Village Hall where the family will return after a private committal.
The link is: https://funeralvideo.co.uk/philip-daniel/
The password is: DA2025
(The password is the first two letters of the surname followed by the current year)
It is suggested you click on 10 minutes before the service, enter the password and then click watch video.
The family have been very touched by everyone’s messages and memories of Philip. They have asked that anyone who wishes to make a donation in his memory support either British Heart Foundation or Blood Pressure UK. Details can be found on the Ian Hazel website - ianhazelfunerals.co.uk